Ça fait du bien de rentrer au pays quand même! (Libre à vous de décider dans quelle direction.) Merci à ceux et celles qui m'ont accueillie quelques jours à Lyon, payé des coups à boire et sponsorisé des pétages de bide.
* It does a person good to go home from time to time! (You get to choose in which direction that might be.) Thanks to everyone who housed me for a few days in Lyon, bought me drinks and sponsored my food comas.
Good news! There are actually many things one can do about the world being a bad place sometimes, even if feelings of helplessness won't tell you that.
Very specifically, if you live in Berlin, Finding Berlin has a good list (in English!) of ways to help refugees currently seeking asylum in our city. It may feel daunting, or it may not seem like much, but a little goes a very long way.
I myself am currently in France, where it is a pleasant not-above-27 degrees, and will catch you all on the flipside (i.e. next week).
[ Jars of Clay - Weighed Down ]
It's too hot! Hot dang! Call the police and the etc.
I'm going to go continue melting in France for a bit later this week. Stay cool!
This month my $5+ patrons are getting their monthly postcard sent to them from Lyon! If you would also like to get a postcard from Lyon, or if you would like to commission some art, you can donate to the Traveling Tip Jar. (I've been doodling Tom Hardy lately, for instance, if that is your thing.)