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November 17, 2013
Weekend Warmup: Well you couldn't get much closer
Pencilled my way through the weekend on a commissioned one-pager due at the end of the month. Warmed up by drawing Noémie , Ana...
November 1, 2013
Friday Festivities: Bridal Mix + Doodles
I was invited to Eni and Anselm's smashing good wedding in Berlin-Tegel at the beginning of September. As is my wont, I made them a s...
June 29, 2013
Weekend Warmup: Old friends, new pen
Heading into inks for Secret Project now. Six pages and one third to go. On a completely unrelated note, here are Anaé and Sasha,...
March 3, 2013
Weekend Warmup: Musikmachen
It's been back to the drawing board this week (huzzaaaahh) , so here is yesterday's warmup drawing. This is a special character ...
September 21, 2012
Random Friday Bonus Sketch - FDM2012
A little sketch I did during the aforementioned concert. Happy Friday!
March 27, 2011
Gettin' edgy all the time
[ Bin des fois, y a des jours comme ça. ]
March 17, 2011
Les questions que je me pose souvent au sujet des hommes
Do they see me? - Am I their equal? Will I lose them one day? - Will I ever find one? Alors pour être honnête, j'ai écrit et dessiné ce ...
1 comment:
June 10, 2009
Le premier amour est celui qui marque le plus.
Ce que je dessine quand je suis en TD d'esthétique. D'ailleurs le texte n'a rien à voir avec l'esthétique. Bon signe: Anaé v...
January 31, 2009
Stuck in my head again
Fini de lire Fun Home pour la troisième fois, au passage. Complètement dans mon top 5 of all time. En partance de la ville des Ducs de Bret...
January 26, 2009
(Cliquer pour lire un peu mieux...)
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