February 5, 2019

Hourly Comics Day 2019


Another year, another Hourly Comics Day! You'll find my hourlies from previous years here, and I encourage you to check out #hourlycomicsday on Twitter and Instagram. It is one of my favorite things on the internet.

February 1, 2019

What Was 2018 Like?

2018 was A Lot! Here's to 2019 also being A Lot, with possibly less weeping at concerts (although that's usually a sign of a good concert for me, so).

Per my tradition, I've posted a list of my favorite entertainment from 2018, over on my Patreon (it's a public post!)

And in lieu of my traditional blog post accompaniment song, it is nigh impossible for me to list all of the music I enjoyed in 2018, but here are 3 tracks from 2018 that I identified with:
Death Cab for Cutie, "Gold Rush"
Mike Shinoda, "Running From My Shadow"
Alex G, "Rhyme Reason"

If you like this comic, you can help me make more through Patreon!