Showing posts with label franco-allemand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label franco-allemand. Show all posts

April 19, 2016

Est-ce que... (BETON #6)

"Why didn't I leave ... Why did I give everything ..."
"Can I... forgive?"

This is my contribution to issue #6 of BETON, on the topic of Voyage/Reise! Check out these fine folks' website to order yourself a copy and freshen up on both your French and your German.

Also, last weekend was Comic Invasion Berlin and it was awesome! Thank you to everyone who came by, bought comics, chatted about TV shows, brought me coffee, offered hugs and generally made it what it was - a great weekend full of cool comics and the cool people who make them and read them. Until next time! I am sleeping forever now.

January 26, 2016

Pirate Song

"Awaaaayyy, boarders!!!"
"Down with motivation!" "No quarter!" "Her happiness is ours!!"
"Lex, honey? I'm gonna make dinner, what do you wanna eat?" "Uh... I really don't care, actually..."
"... You don't look so good..." "No, no, I'm fine... Everything's fine, I'm just going to finish this and I'll be right there."
"You sure?" "YES Sondra, don't worry!" "I'm not w-" "LEAVE ME ALONE!" "..."
"Come back to me... Come back to me... In the shadows and in the darkness... I am here... I am yours... So come back ... Come back to me..."
"Hey, Sondra, I'm..." "..." "So I ended up putting some pizza in the oven..." "I thought we could watch an episode of 'Card House', if you wanted."
"... Hey, thanks... Thanks for everything."

This was my entry for the pirate-themed issue 5 of the Franco-German comic zine BETON, which came out this month! You can check out the project online here and locate stores that carry it here.

Also, if you are in Paris on February 8, you can meet the team at the local Goethe-Institut! Originals (including mine from issue #3) will also be on display there.

This has been my regularly scheduled Franco-German moment. As you were.

July 21, 2015


English translation below.

I had the pleasure this year of meeting the folks behind the Franco-German comic zine BETON during their issue #2 launch (part of the Comic Invasion Berlin 2015 satellite events). As a result, I also had the pleasure of contributing this two-page story to their new issue, which came out this month!

BETON comes out about three times a year; each issue has its own word as a theme, and the comics are printed in both French and German. For the good of my English-speaking public, I have included a translation of my entry below the cut.

This comic is reproduced here with kind permission; you can get your hands on the whole 56-page deal for 7€ + shipping by e-mailing betonfanzine at gmail. You can also check out their Facebook page and follow them on Tumblr!

If you like this comic and would like to see more like it, you can also support me on Patreon!

September 18, 2014

[Franco-German] Comic Workshop!

Noémie apparaît avec l'aimable autorisation de moi-même. 
Noémie erscheint mit freundlicher Genehmigung von mir selber. 

J'ai le plaisir d'annoncer que j'animerai un atelier de création de bande dessinée le jeudi 9 octobre à l'Info-Café Berlin-Paris de l'OFAJ! Les participants seront invités à réaliser une BD de 1 à 2 planches en tandem sur le thème (vaste) de l'amitié franco-allemande. L'entrée est gratuite et les inscriptions sont d'ores et déjà ouvertes à l'adresse, avec "Atelier BD franco-allemand" dans le sujet.

"L'amitié franco-allemande au fil des cases" - jeudi 9 octobre, 16h30-19h 
Dans le cadre des Oktobertreffs 2014
Info-Café Berlin-Paris de l'OFAJ - Molkenmarkt 1 - Berlin-Mitte (U2 Klosterstraße, S/U Alexanderplatz ou Jannowitzbrücke).
Langues parlées: français et allemand.

Am Donnerstag, 9. Oktober leite ich erneut einen deutsch-französischen Comic-Workshop im Info-Café Berlin-Paris des DFJW! TeilnehmerInnen werden dazu eingeladen, zu zweit einen 1- bis 2-seitigen Comic zum Thema der deutsch-französischen Freundschaft zu zeichnen. Eintritt ist frei, Anmeldung erfolgt bereits unter mit dem Vermerk "Deutsch-Französischer Comic-Workshop".

"Deutsch-französische Freundschaft in Comic-Form" - Donnerstag, 9. Oktober, 16.30 - 19 Uhr - im Rahmen der Oktobertreffs 2014
Info-Café Berlin-Paris des DFJW - Molkenmarkt 1 - Berlin-Mitte (U2 Klosterstraße, S/U Alexanderplatz oder Jannowitzbrücke).
Sprachen: Deutsch und Französisch.

March 7, 2013

Scène ouverte franco-allemande!

I was at the Théâtre au fil des nuages' Franco-German Open Mic last Thursday! They gave me one of their custom-made notebooks so I could make some brushpen sketches of the artists. I didn't manage to get everyone's names, but you can find out more about the event on their Facebook page!

J'étais à la scène ouverte franco-allemande du Théâtre au fil des nuages la semaine dernière et j'ai fait des dessins! Plus d'infos (et les noms de tous les artistes) sur leur page Facebook.