September 4, 2014

Money, Money, Money (Announcing the Traveling Tip Jar!)

As I've mentioned previously, I'm going to be tabling at Thought Bubble! Hurrah! I've never tabled at such a big event before and I am super excited to meet new people and hang with comics peeps.

As I've maybe not mentioned previously: travel and lodging for Thought Bubble is costing me LOTS of €€ -- not to mention printing new comics and swag so that I can, like, have stuff to sell there. To help cover these costs, I've set up a new thing called the Traveling Tip Jar, which is basically an ongoing version of the traveling fundraisers I've done before.

Donating to my travels can get you different levels of artsy souvenirs: anywhere from a printed or hand-drawn postcard to a personalized avatar, as well as a digital pre-order of any travel comics I'll be doing and the originals of the travel comic itself. 
In addition to Thought Bubble, I also have added two other trips I have planned: Lyon, France in October and California over the holidays! Details here or by clicking on the image above.

Also, you can really help out by subscribing to my Patreon! 

Patreon is a great tool for helping me focus on my own projects, and any pledge is insanely welcome. Patrons get access to exclusive updates on whatever I'm working on - thumbnails, line art, bits of scripts, the works - plus digital and/or printed minis according to the tier they pledge at.

Also, if we hit $75 in pledges per comic, I will be able to spend considerably more time on personal projects, and will release a brand-new digital autobio mini called Chronicling The Madness* to celebrate! 

And finally, this store page will help you out with any comic-purchasing needs. If you're after original art, I have some originals currently on sale on Etsy until October 3. All of my digital comics are also now available as free-or-pay-what-you-want on Gumroad

Every little bit helps immensely in making sure I can do what I love and give you comics you enjoy. Thank you for your attention! 

* Wouldn't you like to know.

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