Showing posts with label moolah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moolah. Show all posts

March 7, 2012

Comics for sale!

Friends of black ink, paper and staples! After much tweeting about spending time at the printer's, the Cardialement Vol. 1 minicomics are here! They collect the first eight months of diary strips published on this here blog -- all the one-paneled comics filed under that awkwardly pronounceable fake French word "Cardialement" (cexplained here) -- plus never-before published diary comics and three bonus strips!

They are available on this page (or by clicking the Comics for sale button) for the low, low, low price of 2€, plus shipping. A Regular Edition gets you a signed copy of the minicomic, which is 20 pages long; buyers of the Special Edition (3,50€ + shipping) will receive an A5-sized sketch made out to you/whoever you want (name to be specified at checkout).

Also, for those of you who are inclined to spending money out of sheer frivolousness generosity, I have recently added a tiny version of myself on the sidebar that quite subtly leads to a PayPal donation page. I have a job which pays my bills and enables me to live it up at Angry Chicken on the weekends, but extra coffee is always a plus.

N.B. L'édition décrite ici est en anglais uniquement, c'est-à-dire que les BD sont majoritairement en anglais, et que tout ce qui n'est pas en anglais ou en français est uniquement traduit dans la langue de Shakespeare. Les dons, néanmoins, peuvent toujours se faire, en anglais, en français ou éventuellement en samois.