November 30, 2012

So many languages and one little word

This is a conversation I had with an American friend during my April visit in Stockholm.
Say what you will, though: sometimes English just doesn't cut it.

(I'm on a train to Munich right now, suckaaaaaaaaz!)

November 24, 2012

But Who

This week I had my two remaining wisdom teeth removed and accordingly spent the rest of the week indoors, watching Doctor Who and ingesting soup. Also I have a thing for evil blonde masterminds now

See you Tuesday for a super-special long post! Schönes Wochenende.

November 23, 2012

Commission Post: Hunter S. Thompson

My dear (and only female) cousin Lauren got her commission in the mail this week! She requested an illustration to go with this quote by Hunter S. Thompson. I sent her a couple rough ideas of what I thought could go with it, and after she gave her approval, I drew this.

November 9, 2012

Random Friday Sketchpost: Blinding You With Science

I took to sketching some of the scientific experimentathingamajiggerbobs going on at my employer's. Happy Friday!

November 6, 2012

Are you my mother?

It's my mom's birthday this week. Happy birthday, mom! She is a funny lady.