February 7, 2017

Hourly Comic Day 2017

(Yep, I was there!)

And thus concludes another Hourly Comic Day. To see the Hourlies I made (a week late) in 2016, click here!

Also, first two comics events of the year for me this month: the new BETON issue is launching at Berlin's Raum B on February 17th. I am not in this issue, but I will be at the launch!
I also will be tabling at Comics and The Beast, Neukölln's premiere indie-comics-in-a-bar event, on February 25 & 26th! Come say hello if you are in town.

January 20, 2017

Friday Sketchpost: Pen doodles

Some doodles collected in my sketchbooks over the past year, made using a PITT F or S artist pen or a pink Kuretake pen. 

January 18, 2017


I'm back!! And finally recovered from a two-week-long cold I caught in the US. Despite this, my month-long visit was amazing and I have brought back many cherished memories. Choosing to make stops in Chicago and D.C. on my way in and out of California was the best travel decision I made last year.

Things are hectic at the moment, but I have a comic recapping what I did in 2016 in the works and I totally ran out of time to make this a reality, sorry! In the meantime, If you would like to help me begin the new year and support the making of future comics, you can pledge to my Patreon. $2 or more per month unlock access to journal comics and to an exclusive newsletter!

I have also opened commissions for the foreseeable future - if you would like me to draw something for you, drop me a line at clairykin at gmail!

December 12, 2016


WINTER! Eh? Eh?? Fortunately, 'tis the season and I'm off to California this month to flee Berlin's relentless lack of daylight. Could be worse.

November 29, 2016


Told you it would be the longest campaign season ever. (The deadline is December 31, in case you were French and/or wondering. Also applies if you don't live in France.)

I still have 5 x $20 slots open for A5 portrait sketches! They close December 1. Reserve your own at clairykin at gmail! They make good stocking stuffers.

November 15, 2016


I wrote this comic in the week following the attacks in Brussels on March 22 of this year, and planned to post it this week in remembrance of last year's November 13 shootings in Paris. Those weren't the only times it has been relevant for me, and I know they won't be the last.

In other news, Christmas is around the corner, so I am doing limited portrait commissions for $25. Drop me a line at clairykin at gmail if you would like one - orders close December 1.

I have also added For The Ones That We Love, my new zine collecting the English-language versions of fictional comics I've put out over the past two years, to my store. It includes this comic and other comics originally published in French and German in the BETON anthology zine. The Glücklich in Berlin sticker has also returned, and both are currently on sale.

October 18, 2016


It's strikingly cold and gray in Berlin now and gets dark much earlier than it did a month ago - and after all this time I still manage to find this change of season comforting in its familiarity. Until the SAD kicks in and I need to switch the daylight lamp on, obviously.

November is nigh, and that means conventions! Specifically, I will be tabling at Zinefest Berlin on Saturday, October 29 (only one day for me this year), followed by Thought Bubble in Leeds on November 5 & 6, in New Dock Hall, Table 112b. Please do drop by if you're in town!

September 14, 2016

It Begins

That sweet inexorable return to the long nights of winter.

August 23, 2016


Been awhile since I unpacked Them Feels, eh?

The time for buying plane tickets to Thought Bubble is nigh, so I am currently doing small commissions for $25! Details here.

[ Tegan and Sara - BWU ]

August 12, 2016

Friday Sketchpost: Characters

A recent sketch of some characters, some of which you may recognize from this comic. Happy Friday!