March 27, 2017

Status Update

I'm off to France this week, as a matter of fact! Haven't been back in a year and a half. I have missed it!!

March 7, 2017

Which is it?

Fortunately, where SAD is concerned, Daylight Saving Time is just around the corner! And then those oppressively early nights will be a thing of the past. Can't do much about the rest, though.


Some news! In the time since I last posted here, I've illustrated a new comic for Electronic Beats. I was also interviewed for the season premiere of the Comic Invasion Berlin podcast and talked (in German) about this year's festival, which takes place April 24 to May 7, 2017*. If you are in town and you want to help out, the festival is currently looking for volunteers!

And finally, tabling at Comics & The Beast two weeks ago was a blast. Definitely one of my favorite comic events. Thanks to everyone who came out and bought stuff!

*Right between the first and second rounds of the French presidential elections, as it turns out. If you can vote in them, please do.

February 10, 2017

Friday Sketchpost: January Sketchnoting

In January I attended a flurry of events and endeavoured to sketch as much as I could of each one - including a reception held by the Franco-German Youth Office, a French primary runoff debate (livestreamed) and the 6th edition of salt + sass at Soundcloud. Enjoy! (I apologize in advance for the lack of translation.)

Psst... Want a monthly collection of my sketches delivered directly to your inbox? Pledges of $25 or more per month on Patreon unlock access to my digital sketchbooks!

February 7, 2017

Hourly Comic Day 2017

(Yep, I was there!)

And thus concludes another Hourly Comic Day. To see the Hourlies I made (a week late) in 2016, click here!

Also, first two comics events of the year for me this month: the new BETON issue is launching at Berlin's Raum B on February 17th. I am not in this issue, but I will be at the launch!
I also will be tabling at Comics and The Beast, Neukölln's premiere indie-comics-in-a-bar event, on February 25 & 26th! Come say hello if you are in town.