Showing posts with label himym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label himym. Show all posts

April 8, 2014

How I Met Your Municipales

I don't know what hit me harder last week... Valls being made Prime Minister, or the How I Met Your Mother finale.

Seriously though, it was a one-two punch of WTF.

December 17, 2013

Winter is here

Whew! That's my last post before my own personal getaway to the sunny climes of Sweden for some holiday cheer and familial watching of television. While I'm there I'll be wrapping up the daily Little Tiny Adventstüren posts I've been doing (and which you can follow on Twitter, TumblrInstagram and Facebook)!

In the New Year we'll be having a big ole recap of the madness that was 2013. Until then, I advise you to get thee hence to a place that sells Glühwein and get toasted in my honor (I'm turning a year older at some point too).

I've failed thus far to actually get toasted on Glühwein myself, which may be for the best as I've been alternating between wrapping up work and sitting in front of TV shows with tea and a cold. Deliverance is nigh, though! Catch you on the flip side.

[ Linkin Park x Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes ]