Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

November 3, 2015


This weekend is Zinefest Berlin and I will be there with zines and suchlike! Come say hi!

October 27, 2015

How to Tell Time in Berlin

It's that special time year where we turn the clocks back! AKA time to go sit in front of my special lamp and anticipate going back to California for the holidays.

ALSO: I will be returning to table at Zinefest Berlin this year! November 7 & 8, mark your calendars. I am working on a couple things to debut there before going to Thought Bubble the following weekend. Come say hi!

[ Placebo - In The Cold Light of Morning (live) ]

December 17, 2013

Winter is here

Whew! That's my last post before my own personal getaway to the sunny climes of Sweden for some holiday cheer and familial watching of television. While I'm there I'll be wrapping up the daily Little Tiny Adventstüren posts I've been doing (and which you can follow on Twitter, TumblrInstagram and Facebook)!

In the New Year we'll be having a big ole recap of the madness that was 2013. Until then, I advise you to get thee hence to a place that sells Glühwein and get toasted in my honor (I'm turning a year older at some point too).

I've failed thus far to actually get toasted on Glühwein myself, which may be for the best as I've been alternating between wrapping up work and sitting in front of TV shows with tea and a cold. Deliverance is nigh, though! Catch you on the flip side.

[ Linkin Park x Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes ]

November 26, 2013

Thin Ice

Doodle time! Meeting a deadline. (*fist pump*)

The Clairikine Christmas Sale is still going until December 15! My minicomics are all on sale with free stickers with each purchase. Feed me? (Heh.)

[ AFI - A Deep Slow Panic ]

November 19, 2013


I'm all for snow, lights and quiet and cozy nights in with a book or a drawing table, but other than that I mostly just hate what winter does to my brain. That is why I moved to a city where the sun sets at 4PM by mid-November.