April 13, 2016


It's finally here! I will be tabling at Comic Invasion Berlin this weekend -- go through the left entrance, turn left and walk a few feet, and you will find my table (right next to Ash Pure's, as tradition has it)! I will have zines - including Master of Survival #3 and Clairikine - Round 2 - plus "Glücklich in Berlin" stickers, postcards and original comic pages!

Also, there is a special secret menu this year!
  • Bring me a copy of BETON #3, #5 or #6 to sign, and I will rap something for you! (There will be a BETON table outside - even if it rains).
  • Guess who my favorite character is in House of Cards, and you will get a free postcard! (Only valid if you guess at the convention).
  • I will draw something in your sketchbook for a donation!
See you there!!!
[ Tegan and Sara - Boyfriend ]

April 8, 2016

Friday Sketchpost: Creative Mornings Berlin with Susanne Koelbl, 8.4.16

This morning I attended a most excellent talk given by Spiegel foreign correspondent Susanne Koelbl at this month's Creative Mornings Berlin on the topic of "Risk".

Have a great weekend!

April 6, 2016


It's been a busy week! I've been in the Tagesspiegel! And on FluxFM with Marc Seestaedt to talk about Comic Invasion Berlin! And in Comica London's write-up of the Berlin comics scene that is Comic Invasion's raison d'être!

Speaking of Comic Invasion Berlin, the Satellite program is in full swing with comics events nearly every night all over the city, and the main festival is two weekends away. I will be selling goods there! Come say hi!

March 29, 2016


I'm pleased to report I spent three out of four Easter weekend days in my pajamas this year.

Now that Daylight Saving Time has arrived in Germany, it's time for Comic Invasion Berlin's Satellite weeks leading up to April 16-17's main event! The Satellite kickoff + exhibit opening is this Friday at Colonia Nova in Neukölln and I will be there for a beer or two - come on down and say hi if you are so inclined!

March 15, 2016

Q+A Comics! (Part 3)

OMG, get a load of that mullet. I wore one off and on for like three years. (It looked pretty good in person!)
Heads up: I talk about autobio comics, how I got into comics and how I currently make a living in this week's episode of the Comic Invasion Berlin podcast (in German)! Exciting times!

March 11, 2016

Friday Sketchpost: Salt + Sass #4

Following up on last week's post, here are my sketch notes from this week's edition of Salt + Sass! The conversation between Melissa Taylor and Avalon Emerson was most excellent and wonderfully moderated by Electronic Beats' Elissa Stolman. Looking forward to the next edition!

March 8, 2016

Transmission Failure

I illustrated a post about 15 German words you need to know on the Travels of Adam blog! Check it out, I drew the saddest piece of bacon you'll ever see in your lifetime.

March 4, 2016

Friday Sketchpost: Salt + Sass #3

The next edition of Salt + Sass is this Tuesday! In anticipation of this fine event connecting and celebrating women in the music industry, here are my sketches from December's instalment at Soundcloud HQ in Berlin. Happy weekend!