Showing posts with label emo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emo. Show all posts

March 8, 2016

Transmission Failure

I illustrated a post about 15 German words you need to know on the Travels of Adam blog! Check it out, I drew the saddest piece of bacon you'll ever see in your lifetime.

July 14, 2015

The cycle

You can tell I penciled this last winter, because it's too muggy these days to wear long sleeves in public transit.


Speaking of bridges, I was interviewed recently by Odile for Die Berliner Portraits and it partly involved that bridge on the bottom left! The transcript is exclusively in German, I'm afraid, but you get to see a great photo of me in front of the Oberbaumbrücke, which is one of my favorite locations in Berlin.

Also, it's Bastille day, so: happy 14th of July. I am spending it at a) the hair salon b) band practice c) a bar d) all of the above.

October 7, 2014


Yep sorry the emo comics just keep coming.

Speaking of productive, I'm hard at work on penciling, inking and translating the final pages for Master of Survival! I will be doing this as well during my trip to Lyon in ten days, towards which you can donate! You can also donate towards my trip to the UK for Thought Bubble, where I aim to have Master of Survival #2 all fresh and shiny. Just click on the Traveling Tip Jar logo on the sidebar, there.

September 9, 2014


Yes, I have always worn glasses. And yes, that is a new haircut.


You can now preorder postcards and original art from my trips to France, the UK and California, all of which are happening this fall/winter! Original travel comics are also up for preorder. It all goes down right here! EDIT: I fixed the Donate button! It works now, I swear!

Also, I'm discontinuing sales of this sticker in my store on September 15. It will only be available thereafter in very limited quantities at Zinefest Berlin and Thought Bubble. Grab it while you can!

[ Beatsteaks - DNA ]

August 19, 2014


I'm back! I took the past month off from updating here so I could focus more on other projects. Please have what I like to refer to as one of my "Christian blogger moments".

If you like Christian blogger moments, why then, I invite you to step right over to the blogs of these fine folks which I have been reading of late: Preston Yancey, Hilary Yancey, Bethany Suckrow, Emily Maynard and Allison Vesterfelt.

Coming up next: a new Master of Survival page and a big announcement. Stay tuned!

March 4, 2014


Hey-o, did you know that if you want to support this blog directly, you can now do so on Patreon? You can pledge $1 or more per comic that I post, and as a reward you get access to exclusive updates from the drawing board. Even a $1 pledge goes a long way and I would super super appreciate it.

There's also a date for the next Master of Survival update somewhere on there that I've otherwise been super-quiet about :V

Also, I'm curating the I AM EUROPE Twitter account this week - check it out!

February 25, 2014


Spoiler alert: anywhere upwards of three people is too many.

You now have an opportunity to support my comics with monthly microdonations on Patreon! By pledging$1 or more per comic that I post in a month*, you get exclusive access to behind the scenes material AND the warm fuzzy feeling of supporting someone doing stuff that you like. I mean, I hope that I'm doing stuff that you like. Am I?

*That would be comics posted on Tuesdays, like this one -- not sketch dumps, announcements or fanart. Although if you like those you can just up your pledge a bit! Also, whether or not anyone pledges anything I will still be posting comics. The only difference is that with enough financial support I can update more regularly than I currently am!

February 4, 2014

National Hug Day

We often listen to Flux FM at my part-time job. You should too, as it is probably the best alternative radio station ever.

November 5, 2013


It's been a year of many goodbyes (or should I say - "hello again in a considerably long time"s).

April 30, 2013

Sondern auf Wiedersehen

My good friend Alex left Berlin this week for new opportunities in Chicago. He got this as a parting gift and general thanks for being awesome. I am rarely sappy on the internet, but I will miss him. A lot. Who's going to discuss Matt Smith with me now?

(As an aside, that'll teach me to watch Sherlock with relative strangers.)

October 30, 2012


To meet time constraints this week, this is an old comic from last year that I never posted (as can be guessed from my hair - it is now nearly shoulder-length!).

October 16, 2012


As a disclaimer: I wrote this back in June. Always put a buffer on your emo comics, that's how I roll.

October 18, 2011

Cardialement: Where does...

J'ai dessiné ceci au Sankt Oberholz  à Berlin, qui est un endroit sympa pour ce qui est de se prendre un Latte et de se poser tranquillement devant une baie vitrée pour mater les passants. Mais pétard ce que c'est blindé.
Il y a aussi ceci fait en collaboration avec Tisserande la semaine dernière. C'est simple: quand je suis sur Tumblr, c'est que je suis en train de régresser au stade d'ado fanatique. Heureusement qu'elle est là pour répercuter mes obsessions et en rajouter une couche (de couleur, en l'occurrence, lol!).

I drew this in the Sankt Oberholz  in Berlin. It's a nice place for grabbing a Latte and looking out onto the street from a comfy spot by the bay window, but man does it get crowded.

I also made this with Tisserande last week. Simply put, when I am on Tumblr, it means I am regressing to a state of adolescent fangirling. Fortunately she is there to balance things out  be just as much of a fangirl as I am, if not much worse.

August 17, 2011

California Diary - 7

D'énormes quantités d'eau de ouf! // "Dois...continuer..." // Nous allons à Yosemite! Pour la première fois depuis 4 ans. Mon père, Patty et moi allons tout en haut des chutes de Vernal Falls en prenant le Mist Trail, qui se trouve juste à côté d'ENORMES CHUTES D'EAU DE MALADE. Un pas de travers et tu pourrais chuter le long d'un énorme escalier gravé (?) dans la pierre et y a l'eau glacée d'une rivière en crue qui te souffle dans la figure et c'est VRAIMENT P*** DE BRUYANT. Quelque chose en moi me disait que je devais le faire - même si je n'avais aucune idée de comment j'allais redescendre par la suite.

HOU PETARD! // En haut de Vernal Falls, il y a un coin super sympa où on peut se poser, avec des geais et tous les autres randonneurs qui ont réussi à grimper tout en haut ou qui passent dans l'autre sens. La vue est magnifique - la chute  également! // Bobo noreille // Bien sûr, le résultat de la montée, c'est de finir complètement trempée. Patty était génial en ce qu'il m'a prêté sa veste Patagonia pour la descente: c'était magique! Plus de vent qui te souffle dans les oreilles. 

SUR LA ROUTE // Un truc complètement évocateur de nos road-trips ensemble à travers l'Europe, c'est d'écouter de la musique dans la voiture qu'on a louée, grâce à l'iPod de mon père. Le truc encore plus génial, c'est quand on chante en même temps. // Je crois qu'il est temps pour moi de tirer un trait sur cette histoire et d'avancer.

"Michael et moi, on allait piquer le caddie de golf du réalisateur parce que ... heu ... c'est marrant ..." / Accent écossais trop craquant! // De retour à la maison, Nowaz et moi matons sans vergogne des clips de James McAvoy (il est tellement sexy que c'en est ridicule). Par la suite nous nous y remettrons souvent.

June 10, 2011

I know I got a face in me, points out all the mistakes to me

Personne ne voudra voir ce que je "crée" de toute manière. / Pourquoi je fais toujours des erreurs de débutante? /
Pourquoi c'est jamais réciproque quand j'aime bien un gars? // PENSEES D'ECHEC - par pitié, fermez-la.

Encore un post dessiné en janvier. Another note I drew in January.

Bonus sonore  P.S. That apartment's jacked up ]