January 10, 2014

Hanging Loose: Mellandagsrea

*Mellandagsrea is a sale that happens between Christmas and New Year's (the "days in the middle").

January 7, 2014

Hanging Loose: Role Reversal

Hey guys! I'm putting my comics time this month towards drawing Master of Survival and writing Noémie, so to tide you over I've got some comics drawn over the holidays in my trusty journal. I call these "Hanging Loose".

I am also doing a recap of 2013 that will be up within a week. Happy New Year!

P.S. Click on the picture for a bonus sibling interaction GIF!

December 17, 2013

Winter is here

Whew! That's my last post before my own personal getaway to the sunny climes of Sweden for some holiday cheer and familial watching of television. While I'm there I'll be wrapping up the daily Little Tiny Adventstüren posts I've been doing (and which you can follow on Twitter, TumblrInstagram and Facebook)!

In the New Year we'll be having a big ole recap of the madness that was 2013. Until then, I advise you to get thee hence to a place that sells Glühwein and get toasted in my honor (I'm turning a year older at some point too).

I've failed thus far to actually get toasted on Glühwein myself, which may be for the best as I've been alternating between wrapping up work and sitting in front of TV shows with tea and a cold. Deliverance is nigh, though! Catch you on the flip side.

[ Linkin Park x Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes ]

December 3, 2013

The things that one tames

This weekend I was at a retreat with other musicians from my church, the same kind as last year's but in a different, quite remote little place in the woods (no cell reception!). Part of Sunday's Advent service was the reading of an excerpt from The Little Prince, namely the conversation between the little prince and the fox. I've read the book many times, but I still find the scene very touching.

The fox here is a nod to Foxy, the main character of the many comic strips I  drew as a kid.

November 26, 2013

Thin Ice

Doodle time! Meeting a deadline. (*fist pump*)

The Clairikine Christmas Sale is still going until December 15! My minicomics are all on sale with free stickers with each purchase. Feed me? (Heh.)

[ AFI - A Deep Slow Panic ]