May 6, 2014

Pickup Line

The real question is: is it a pickup line-in or line-out? *ba-dum-kshh*

COMIC INVASION BERLIN was a huge success!

u look so tired/happy

Thanks to everyone who came out, said hi, bought comics and contributed to my bike fund by buying postcard sketches! Thanks also to my excellent table neighbors and friends for letting me take bathroom/beer/burger/oxygen breaks (note to self: hire a table buddy!).

In case you missed it, the lovely folks at FluxFM had me and festival organiser Marc Seestaedt over recently to chat about Comic Invasion, as well as about the Berlin comics scene and our personal projects. You can listen to me draw a blank on how to say "I don't know if people can tell I'm not German", in German, on the recording here. (There's also a gorgeous shot of the neighborhood around the FluxFM offices as seen from their roof. And of me pulling a face.)

Hot on those heels, I'm pleased to announce that I will be tabling at Thought Bubble Sequential Arts Festival in Leeds this year! There will most definitely be some kind of fundraiser to help pay for travel and lodging, as well as details on where I'll be at, closer to the festival date in November. I'm super-excited and will try to make a UK jaunt of it!

And speaking of fundraisers, I'm traveling to Stockholm from June 4-11, so, y'know... Watch this space! 

[ Jars of Clay - After The Fight ]

April 22, 2014

M.O.S. #11

Things that have changed since I wrote and drew this episode:
  • The amount of people in this comic that still live in Berlin (par for the course, really)
  • I can barely remember liking the guy in question
  • I'm not deathly afraid of shading nor spotting blacks
  • My lettering looks less like it was tracked onto the page by a bunch of crickets on acid
Things that have not changed since I wrote and drew this episode:
  • I still go to this church
  • I still don't know how to read German men
  • I still ride that S-Bahn
  • I still feel both rootless and at home in Berlin
On a side note: the title of this episode is another nod to Ariel Schrag's High School Comic Chronicles, the third volume of which is called Potential and was a big influence in coming up with Master of Survival. (The other volumes are referenced here and here).

April 18, 2014

Comic Invasion Berlin!

I'm tabling at Comic Invasion Berlin next weekend, y'all! It will be my first actual comic arts festival and I am totally excited. Come see me at table 25a from 12:00 until the hour I keel over! I will have my minis, stickers, some original art and will be doing sketches too.

That's my bird up there dodging UFO laser fire, by the way.

April 15, 2014


[ Against Me! - Stop! ]

I spruced up my store page a bit and added some original art on my Etsy! Have a look (also there's a shiny button on the sidebar you can click)!

April 8, 2014

How I Met Your Municipales

I don't know what hit me harder last week... Valls being made Prime Minister, or the How I Met Your Mother finale.

Seriously though, it was a one-two punch of WTF.