June 16, 2015


I've had deserts on the brain lately: deserts where chem teachers cook meth, deserts that get driven through by postapocalyptic death rigs, deserts irrigated by humans who now face severe drought. So I drew this and played around with colors again.

Oh, by the way - the new Mad Max? I finally went to see it, and it melted my face off. In a good way.

June 2, 2015

Grief, Part 2

Expected more of the sunshine daydream pastel colors from last week? Heh.

If you're in Berlin this weekend, be sure to stop by the Expat Markt off Mehringdamm this Sunday! I will be tabling there from 12PM to 6PM and selling comics, postcards and doing small commissions. Come by! Bring your hangovers.

[ Linkin Park - My December]

May 26, 2015


It wasn't a cute French one, that's for sure - since I don't have one?

I was on German radio this Sunday! Hear me talk about autobio comics, faith, my upcoming Franco-German comics workshop at Raum B, what brought me to Berlin and what made me stay, beginning at 44:44, right here (uff Deutsch). 

May 19, 2015

Lying In Wait

I have since learned not to do this.

Hey! I'm doing a Franco-German comics workshop on June 18 at Raum B in Neukölln! Spots are limited, details here (in French and German, like the workshop).