Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

August 16, 2022

Signs of Summertime (2022 edition)

 A four-panel comic in black and white, with the title "Signs of Summertime - 2022 Edition". In the first panel, the caption is "Rise at 6:00 AM to open all the windows." We see Claire from behind in a tank top and shorts as she opens a window and says "aah." A caption says "(Except when it's still 29°C outside)". A fan blows air nearby. Second panel: the caption is "Sweating into the FFP2 mask". Claire is sitting on the subway scrolling her phone, wearing an FFP2 and sweating with a backpack and a tote bag next to them. A tweet on their phone shows the caption "Loire riverbed" over a photo of a wide riverbed with just a trickle of water zig-zagging through it. Third panel: the caption is "10 o'clock Club Mate". Claire is sitting at a desk, next to another fan, working on a laptop, drinking from a bottle and thinking "Caaaaaffffeeeiinne" Fourth panel: the caption is "Screaming brain". Claire is lying on a couch in the dark, with a cartoon brain sitting above her screaming "EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE". Claire thinks to themself, "Can't... really argue with that..."

It's hot. Not much else to add, really. Or rather, too much to add! Have a comic.


I am tabling in a few places the next few weeks! Find me online at Fanzineist Vienna from August 11 through September 11, and IRL at Art Horse Bazar on August 28 and Comics & The Beast on September 3 (both in Berlin).

[ Rina Sawayama - This Hell ]


September 12, 2017

Summer's Greatest Hits

I am back from the US! And Berlin has already shifted to autumn. The fall is gearing up to be super busy, which is a good thing. You can keep up to speed on Patreon, where I have been posting monthly behind the scenes updates on where I'm at project-wise.

May 24, 2016

Summer Wardrobe

Summer! Along with winter, one of basically two seasons in Berlin. The other seasons get about three weeks, tops.

October 27, 2015

How to Tell Time in Berlin

It's that special time year where we turn the clocks back! AKA time to go sit in front of my special lamp and anticipate going back to California for the holidays.

ALSO: I will be returning to table at Zinefest Berlin this year! November 7 & 8, mark your calendars. I am working on a couple things to debut there before going to Thought Bubble the following weekend. Come say hi!

[ Placebo - In The Cold Light of Morning (live) ]