April 25, 2011


J'interromps cette série de dessins venant d'une autre ère pour poster ces dessins récents: ce sont deux tentatives d'exprimer ce que je ressens toujours le soir du vendredi saint.

This weekend was Easter, so I drew these two pictures: they represent the feeling I always have on Good Friday. I don't have fond memories of this holiday, and I explained it a little in this here blog post.

April 17, 2011

Wer nimmt den Müll raus?

In the flatshare kitchen...
- So, whose turn is it to take out the trash?
- I say Benne!
- Me too.
- Me too.
- Well, let's put it to a vote then. Who's for it?
- ...
- Benne, you lost the vote.
- I'm unanimously against it.


En janvier c'était l'anniversaire de ma coloc, donc je lui ai fait ce strip après qu'elle a demandé une scène de notre vie en colocation.
My housemate's birthday was this January, so I drew her this strip after she requested a depiction of our flatshare life. We have a very small kitchen.

April 16, 2011


I want to be the one who courts and pursues
        and accessorily
        is courted and pursued.

Berlin, 4.2011.

April 10, 2011

April 8, 2011

- Tegan and Sara