Pencilled my way through the weekend on a commissioned one-pager due at the end of the month. Warmed up by drawing Noémie, Anaé and a random guy. Noémie is a joy for me because she gives me license to draw a grumpy character, which I always default to out of laziness.
Showing posts with label anaé. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anaé. Show all posts
November 17, 2013
Weekend Warmup: Well you couldn't get much closer
Pencilled my way through the weekend on a commissioned one-pager due at the end of the month. Warmed up by drawing Noémie, Anaé and a random guy. Noémie is a joy for me because she gives me license to draw a grumpy character, which I always default to out of laziness.
November 1, 2013
Friday Festivities: Bridal Mix + Doodles
I was invited to Eni and Anselm's smashing good wedding in Berlin-Tegel at the beginning of September. As is my wont, I made them a small mix and illustrated the cover. They are both musicians and in fact sang during their own wedding ceremony, which is just a general proof of awesomeness (and something I'd like to one-up someday, being me).
Some doodles from the last couple weeks, including a couple people who happened to walk by my table at Zinefest.
Also, tiny update at the Noémie blog for the Franco-Germanically inclined! You can also like the project on Facebook and follow it on Twitter [FR/DE].
See you Tuesday!
June 29, 2013
Weekend Warmup: Old friends, new pen
Heading into inks for Secret Project now. Six pages and one third to go.
On a completely unrelated note, here are Anaé and Sasha, subjected to the whims of my newly replaced brush pen. (HUZZAH.)
PS - psst - want to get a personalized postcard from my next trip to Paris, or even a commission? Check this out!
March 3, 2013
Weekend Warmup: Musikmachen
It's been back to the drawing board this week (huzzaaaahh), so here is yesterday's warmup drawing. This is a special character of mine, and hopefully you will be able to see much more of him in the future when a few other projects have been completed. (His feet were chopped off by the scanner.)
Also, check it out - I've been using the brush pen! It's getting a little easier.
Cette semaine marqua le retour pour moi à ma table de dessin (huzzaaaahh), donc voici le dessin d'échauffement d'hier. Ceci est un de mes personnages et il est particulier; j'espère que vous pourrez voir davantage de sa personne une fois que quelques autres projets seront achevés. (Ses pieds ont été coupés par le scanneur.)
En passant, matez, j'ai sorti le brush pen Pentel! Je m'y suis faite un peu.
September 21, 2012
March 27, 2011
March 17, 2011
Les questions que je me pose souvent au sujet des hommes

Do they see me? - Am I their equal?
Will I lose them one day? - Will I ever find one?
Alors pour être honnête, j'ai écrit et dessiné ce strip l'an dernier, le 14 février pour être plus précis. Il faisait écho à celui que j'ai publié quand j'étais encore en Licence (cf. ici). J'avais pour idée d'institutionnaliser ça et d'en faire un tous les ans, mais les strips datés c'est comme un livre de bibliothèque en retard: plus l'échéance a été dépassée et moins tu as envie de les mettre en ligne. Et pour reprendre les propos des personnes casées: on n'a pas besoin d'une fête commerciale pour s'autoriser à être complètement emo.
I wrote and drew this comic last year on Valentine's Day, in response to something I posted in my undergrad days. The idea was to make a new strip every year, but in the end they wind up not being scanned and then a month goes by and then it's too late. Also, to paraphrase some happy couples, I don't need a commercial holiday to be completely emo - I get by just fine on my own.
Oh regarde, une planche!
June 10, 2009
Le premier amour est celui qui marque le plus.
January 31, 2009
Stuck in my head again

Fini de lire Fun Home pour la troisième fois, au passage. Complètement dans mon top 5 of all time.
En partance de la ville des Ducs de Bretagne mardi matin. Aïïe!
January 26, 2009
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