Showing posts with label berlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berlin. Show all posts

February 5, 2013

MOS #3

I'm goin' to Paris tonight!! If the powers of 3G are with me, you can follow me on TwitterFlickr and/or Instagram (expect pictures of signs). Be back Tuesday for a new page!
Je pars pour Paris ce soir!! Si la 3G daigne me faire preuve de bonté, vous pourrez me suivre sur TwitterFlickr et/ou Instagram (a priori pour voir de la signalétique). Revenez mardi pour une nouvelle page!

January 27, 2013

MOS #1

Traduction en français ici.

Master of Survival begins, you guys! I hope you will enjoy it.
FYI, each page has a song that goes with it. This page's song is Indochine's "Pink Water", which has been added to the Master of Survival playlist.
Comics will update on a weekly basis, beginning... this Tuesday! See y'all soon.

Et c'est ainsi que commence Master of Survival! J'espère que vous allez aimer.
Pour info, à chaque page correspond une chanson. Pour celle-ci, c'est "Pink Water" d'Indochine, qui ouvre la playlist de Master of Survival.
Il y aura une nouvelle page chaque semaine, à partir de ... ce mardi! A très bientôt.

P.S. I still have that Fievel. J'ai toujours ce Fievel.

October 11, 2012

Thursday Workpost: Entrails

Visiting Lyon.

"But... these are cow guts!!!" "What do you think Currywurst is made of?"

My job's newsletter for October is out, and with it a cartoon introducing the Franco-German comics workshop I will be hosting on the 31st (scroll down a tad), possibly disguised as Lisbeth Salander. Holla!!

Incidentally, cow intestines are actually a culinary specialty in Lyon, one of the towns where I grew up and proceeded to come back to for college. I find Berlin's Currywurst to be just as appetizing.

Still doing that fundraiser for to not be flat broke at the end of the year! I draw Sherlock and John like it's nobody's business, so check it out. Also, it is possible to donate euros (and dollahs, pounds, kronor etc) by clicking on the "Buy me coffee?" button. I would be much obliged. Très obligée.* Etc.

* Not an actual expression.

September 18, 2012

The Backstage Experience

I took part in the Fête de la Musique this year as an organiser, which to me is a great honor. In fact I managed to feel honored until about 2 in the morning when my feet gave their notice.

September 14, 2012

June 18, 2012.

I'd like those two hours of my life back, please.

April 6, 2012

Random Friday Sketchdump: Instrumental Guitars

As a follow-up to this week's comic, here are the sketches I did of the Ernesto SchnackJoe Czarnecki concert at Salon Remise back in March. They are both very talented musicians, which I highly recommend seeing.
Pour faire suite à la note de cette semaine, voici des dessins faits pendant le concert d'Ernesto Schnack & Joe Czarnecki à Salon Remise en mars dernier. Tous les deux ont beaucoup de talent et je conseille fortement de les voir.

Much like his fellow thick-eyebrowed guitarist Kaki King, Ernesto Schnack is not actually this serious-looking.
A l'instar de sa consoeur guitariste dotée de sourcils épais, Kaki King, Ernesto Schnack n'a pas l'air aussi sérieux en vrai.

Joe Czarnecki grew up on a horse farm. It was difficult for me to draw his head.
Joe Czarnecki a grandi à la ferme, avec des chevaux autour. J'ai eu du mal à dessiner sa tête.

April 3, 2012

Samstag, 10.3.2012

Déposé des exemplaires de Cardialement Vol. 1 à Modern Graphics dans Kreuzberg aujourd'hui. Je suis restée un peu pour lire des BD et pour feuilleter une des mes mini-BD à moi♥ // Puis je suis sortie dans l'air du soir et j'ai contemplé l'effet reposant de se balader sans but. / Passage à des semelles plates: aïe aïe bobo. // "Friendly Chicken", la seule saveur sans saveur du menu. Plus jamais. / Assez de frites pour nourrir une petite armée. / J'ai "dîné" à un restau de poulet frit coréen où je suis allée une fois avec ma joyeuse bande de camarades Sherlockiens. Je pourrais dire que je n'ai pas regretté d'acheter le "Friendly Chicken", mais ce serait mentir. // Suis allée voir le concert d'Ernesto  Schnack & Joe Czarnecki et suis retournée au S-Bahn avec Alex. / "J'adore Berlin! C'est pas qu'on ne trouve pas de concerts comme ça en France, mais on ne trouve pas de concerts comme ça en France."

February 28, 2012


"Pétaaaaard!!!" / Les dangers d'écrire en prenant la ligne U55.

I belong to a very small group of people that uses the U55 subway line to go to work in the morning, at least until I manage to buy a bike. Technically the U55 is not even a "line", just part of the future extension of the U5 and until then basically a local joke. It is ridiculously short and makes up for the fact that there is no practical way to get from Hauptbahnhof to Potsdamer Platz on public except via bus. Which brings us to the fact that the name "Central Station" when applied to Berlin Hauptbahnhof is also basically somewhat of a joke.

Je fais partie d'un groupe très réduit de personnes qui prennent le U55 le matin pour aller au travail, au moins jusqu'à ce que je me rachète un vélo. D'un point de vue technique le U55 n'est pas vraiment une "ligne" de métro, plutôt un morceau d'une future extension du U5 et en attendant grosso modo une blague locale. Le trajet est minuscule et la ligne sert surtout à combler le manque de moyens pratiques (hormis le bus) pour aller de Hauptbahnhof à Potsdamer Platz en transports. Rappelons à cette occasion le fait que la "gare centrale" de Berlin n'a de central que le nom et constitue à ce titre également une grosse blague.

February 21, 2012

Une fois de plus, confrontée à mon interculturalité et ma fierté débile.
"La serveuse vient de New York. Clairement une expatriée. Est-ce que je commande en anglais,
intimant par là que je pourrais ne pas être d'ici? Berk. Mais ça ferait du bien de parler anglais.
Non. Commander en allemand parce qu'on est en Allemagne et que je suis une Wahldeutsche pas
une ricaine de passage qui ne sait pas ce que c'est Schöneberg. Je suis ridicule."

February 14, 2012

"Meh, espèce de m*** sexiste, crèèèève." // "Meh, saletés de présentations gonflées de la féminité, généralisations inatteignables d'un beauté féminine attendue, la crise générale pour tous ceux concernés." //"Oh. Salut." "H&M présente: David Beckham en sous-vêt!!!! Hé les filles!"

This is not a critique of the David Beckham ads, I just thought this  succession of events was hilarious.
Je ne critique pas les pubs avec David Beckham, j'ai juste trouvé que cette succession d'évènements était bien drôle.

January 31, 2012

Cardialement: Awkward

That awkward moment où t'es dans un café et que les deux seuls autre clients tiennent une conversation super personnelle en anglais. //
"Quand on fait une rencontre, cela apporte une vérité psychique à votre douleur, à votre vie." // "Heu. What."

With this week's post, I bring you a slice of my life as an English-speaking expat. It's a little like the time I walked by two arab guys speaking in French slang in front of the U-Bahn station.

Currently I am working on a couple blog-related projects which are taking up some extra time. One of them at least will be announced in the next couple of weeks. And if that happens, it means I might be able to announce the other one, which is of a bit more consequence, not long thereafter. Exciting! Fingers crossed!

Pour le post de la semaine, je vous apporte un coin de ma vie d'anglophone à Berlin. C'est un peu comme lorsque j'ai croisé deux arabes qui parlaient en verlan à l'entrée du U-Bahn.

En ce moment je bosse sur deux projets liés au blog qui bouffent un peu plus de temps. J'en annoncerai au moins un dans les deux semaines qui viennent. Et dans ce cas-là, c'est fort possible que je pourrai annoncer l'autre, plus conséquent, pas très longtemps après. Youhou! On croise les doigts please!

December 27, 2011

Cardialement: Overheard in Neukölln

"Tous ces gens qui se bourrent la gueule au réveillon, tu commences l'année avec la gueule de bois...
Genre pourquoi, en fait? - Ouais..."

[ Bonus sonore ]

And that's the final post for this year. 2012 brings much new stuff, both in the realm of comics and in other areas, and there will be more on that once I get back on track in Berlin a little bit (since I am writing this in the past -- I'm actually probably loafing around on a Swedish couch somewhere, and I mean a real Swedish couch in Sweden, not in some 3-bedroom in Prenzlauer Berg). New posts will resume Jan. 10.
Et voilà le dernier post de l'année. 2012 apporte bien de nouvelles choses, à la fois en termes de BD et dans d'autres domaines, et j'en parlerai davantage une fois que j'aurai repris pied à Berlin (parce que là en fait je vous écris du passé et que je suis certainement en train de m'avachir quelque part sur un canapé suédois, genre de ceux qui sont suédois et en Suède, pas dans un T3 à Prenzlauer Berg). Ce qui suit ne sera pas traduit, donc je vous souhaite à tous une joyeuse année, chers francophones, et ne vous bourrez pas trop la gueule, pliz. Les posts reprennent le 10 janvier!

Since 2011 is drawing to a close, I figured I'd add my little summary of my year in music to the festivities, roughly cut, pasted and added onto from my yearly newsletter to my relatives. Here goes.

Darren Hayes - Secret Codes & Battleships

People who follow me on the internet (and who share an apartment with me) have inevitably been made aware of a couple of my aural obsessions, one of which is Darren Hayes. I was actually already once strongly obsessed with him as a preteen until I started having crushes on people I knew in real life. While working on my internship semester and master's thesis in 2010 I happened across his post-Savage Garden solo work, which in the case of Spin was not much to write home about -- but then there was 2004's The Tension And The Spark, which over a few weeks effectively won me over, and hard. In between The Tension... and this year's Secret Codes & Battleships there was This Delicate Thing We've Made, which is a double album of electropoppish awesomeness, quite a deal to swallow in the first few sittings but as of late a regular fixture in my white boombox and one of the albums I would take with me on a desert island. The main attraction of Secret Codes... -- a concise pop album dipping relational thoughts in seafaring imagery -- is of course the eurodisco "Talk Talk Talk" (I cannot tell you how many times I've listened to this), but I have a special preference for the penultimate track "Cruel Cruel World". Sometimes I think that Darren Hayes gets me, which is probably the reason I adhered to his music in the first place.

Key tracks: Talk Talk Talk, Explode (limited edition bonus track)

Men - Talk About Body

Anything JD Samson writes is pretty much guaranteed to both sound good and make me want to go pogo at a Gay Pride event in a Revel & Riot shirt. Basically, before this came out, I knew her previous outfit Le Tigre were good, and I knew the 3-track MEN EP running around the office at my internship was definitely more than cause for excitement. But I didn't expect the full-length album I bought at Santa Cruz's Streetlight Records last June to be this good. It has since replaced the self-titled Le Tigre album as my queer electro party album of choice (I only have two of these) and is guaranteed to have me boogie when I really ought to be doing my stretching exercises instead.

Key track: Simultaneously

Boy - Mutual Friends 

I was sitting in my good friend's WG kitchen on Mehringdamm one evening and was totally unprepared for this music, which she so kindly put on to share with us. (This also sealed my transition to Grooveshark after weeks of griping about Simfy's ads). These girls are from Zürich and Hamburg, and apart from writing melodies set to productions that can make me cry, their lyrics are so good it’s hard to believe they're not (as far as I know) native English speakers. They sold out venues all over Germany this year and should be back in Berlin for an extra date March 8th. There went my monies.

Key track: Drive Darling

Ernesto Schnack & Joe Czarnecki

Special shout-out to these guys, as much of my year was marked by instrumental guitar music produced by these two expats to Berlin (thereby confirming the supposition that I am, in fact, my father's daughter). Ernesto Schnack is from Panama and played a few services at my church, as has Joe Czarnecki, who grew up on a horse farm in Colorado, slightly not next to Panama. Both played a concert together recently in Mitte, and it sealed the year’s end for me with a very special evening. They kind of blow my mind (also that of my dad's). Schnack’s “A Work In Progress” is available for purchase and download here; Czarnecki’s “Watch Now” is available on Amazon. (Additionally, a track by Czarnecki called “Til It’s Over” is one of my all-time favorites.)

Key tracks: The Single Purpose Room (Ernesto Schnack), Til It's Over (Joe Czarnecki)

An Horse - Walls

Musically, I believe that Kate Cooper and Damon Cox can totally hold their own - I don't know why all the German press I've ever read is bent on comparing them with their buddies Tegan and Sara (besides, I mean, the fact that they are buddies). Their 2009 debut Rearrange Beds got me through most of my exchange semester, which I went up and told Cox while he signed my copy of it after their April show at the Comet Club. He was glad to hear it, and in fact told Cooper the same while I was standing there, which drove this tiny person to first make an "Ohhh" face and then wrap me in her arms. Walls continues the An Horse tradition of providing comforting music in uncertain times, especially with the title track, which this year found its way onto my imaginary soundtrack to some fairly real heartbreak.

Key track: Dressed Sharply

Here's to starting the New Year with no hangovers! (Perhaps.) See you on the other side peeps.

December 6, 2011

Cardialement: Winter weather


Peut-être qu'il va neiger... Qui sait?

Snow is on its way... Possibly.

November 29, 2011

Cardialement: Rummelplatz

"One-year-old" birthday party at the Rummelplatz. // "Tofu... Toilet..." "Ta-ta."

Ca avait l'air mimi, du "butterflycore" -- quand soudain le groupe est monté sur scène...
"Butterflycore" sounded all nice and pretty until the band started playing.

November 22, 2011

Cardialement: Musik press

Un des petits plaisirs de ma vie en Allemagne: écouter Flux FM en lisant 
les derniers INTRO et Unclesally's. // "Leslie Feist ne sait pas mentir."


Though one of my favorite aspects of living in Berlin is being in the German capital, my attraction to Berlin and German culture actually developed as two parallel interests. I wanted to see what Berlin was like the day my parents started playing a 1991 cassette tape  of Achtung Baby in the car; my Franco-German Master's degree became sort of a means to that end. But I discovered German separately, taking a class as early as fourth grade as an alternative to English.

For the most part, especially in Junior High, I truly hated it. Too many cases and illogical attributions of gender, the words in a sentence arranged by a rigid set of ridiculous rules, not to mention that in class I was often asked to speak up and there would be no way in Hades that that was going to happen. Then came the yearly school exchange in tenth grade, and I to chose to go to Bayreuth -- fabled land of Wagner fests, some drug trafficking and lots and lots of Maisel's Weisse. I remember sitting on a local square on the Wednesday, halfway into the trip, and not wanting to leave. I also remember doing the same trip the year afterwards  and being utterly miserable and homesick for two weeks solid -- when I got home. It sort of sealed the deal, and I knew that German would always have a place in my life from then on out. It was no longer this psychorigid foreign language but the vehicle all these awesome people and places used to communicate. And it just so happens to be the language I see, speak and hear on a regular basis today (when I'm not hitting the pavement with my expat clans). That is something that I am grateful for and it even comes out in my other languages sometimes when I talk. (I have no idea of that.)

One of the staples of my postadolescent treks to Berlin in 2006 and 2007 was the free music mag Unclesally's, which sadly is going out of print at year's end. I will miss it, especially sitting down with it to my morning serving of Toastbrot, Vollmilch and raw Schinken, hearing bands like Fotos coming out of the kitchen CD player, or even just walking around Kreuzberg or Prenzlauer Berg and seeing that a new one came out, and that it has this strange unknown band on the cover, and I STILL have to take out that "Sallyscout" booklet and pull out the gummy adhesive -- so annoying.

In a strange turn of events the demise of the printed version is a direct answer to the question I posed during my Master's thesis (as to the future of cultural journalism), and I think Unclesally's did a better job of answering it then I did. Danke, people, for everything you've done. All I have left now is INTRO and my Siegessäule issues.

(Désolée les gens, je n'ai pas le temps de traduire...)

November 11, 2011

Cardialement: Queer greens

Evidemment, j'ai dessiné ça avant les élections à Berlin.
I drew this before the Berlin elections, obviously.

September 5, 2011

German lessons

"Y en a une qui est en Berufsverbot..." / Couverture estivale / Métier /"C'est quoi, Berufsverbot?" // "C'est comme l'arrêt maladie." "Ah bon, je pensais que c'était genre: 'TU N'AS PLUS LE DROIT D'EXERCER CE METIER." "En fait, ça aussi ça s'appelle Berufsverbot." "Oh."

"One of them has Berufsverbot..." / A blanket for summer / Work / "What does Berufsverbot mean?" / "It's like being on sick leave." "Oohhh, I thought it meant, like, 'YOU CAN NEVER WORK IN THIS SECTOR AGAIN." "Actually, that's also Berufsverbot." "Oh."

Ce fut, donc, le retour en ligne de ma coloc.
Presenting the return online of my housemate.

July 17, 2011

California Diary (1)

"Well dang, it's dawn at Tegel Airport and not a whitened countryside in sight." / Travel pants, est. 2005.

Up at dawn to catch the TXL bus 10 minutes from my house. Dropped off at 5.19 at Tegel Airport. I've slept 3 and a half hours, tops. I send texts to keep from talking to myself on the bus (something I often do when I travel).

[Payer en liquide dans les restaus + le design de l'aéroport + ceci et cela en Europe = SO weird] / Je suis désolée de lui avoir mis une bouche aussi grande. / "Nan mais c'est bon, tu vas t'en remettre!" / I really am horribly prejudiced when it comes to "bona fide" Americans...especially the ones I come across in Europe. / "Les français? Des hypocrites qui hésitent pas une seconde à bâcher les Américains." - un 'journaliste' de Fox News, 2007. /"Ce tube de gel est trop grand."  "This tube of gel is too big." / Oui, parce que je pourrais tuer des gens avec un tube de gel pour le visage, complètement. / "Il est flambant neuf, y a rien dedans." "It's brand-new, nothing in it." / (Agent de sécurité allemand qui n'en revient pas de m'entendre parler en allemand).

L'institut Robert Koch identifie des pousses de soja comme étant la source de l'épidémie  E. coli. / "Pétard, ENFIN!" / J'attends l'embarquement en regardant la BBC. Peut-être que maintenant les médias allemands pourront arrêter de jouer au yo-yo avec la source présumée d'E. coli. // Le vol pour San Francisco se passe sans accrocs et je suis à moitié endormie la plupart du temps. J'ai deux voisins de siège écossais avec l'accent le plus génial du monde. Le repas c'est du roast beef avec un dessert de mousse à la cerise et il me file de l'indigestion. Je dois dire que les couvertures de British Airways sont méga confortables et je suis tentée d'en piquer un. / Divertissement choisi: "The Constant" de I Blame Coco et "Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort I".

Je tente l'expérience du carnet de voyage bilingue! En tout cas le reste du journal sera écrit en anglais et traduit en français sur le blog. Et sur ce, je vais aller encourager les filles de l'équipe américaine de foot dans un bar berlinois.
Tryin' out this bilingual travel diary blog post idea here. At least from the next post onwards, everything will have been written in English and translated thereafter into French. And with that, I'm off to cheer on the US women's soccer team in a Neukölln bar.

July 7, 2011


Je crois qu'il pleut vraiment toute la journée une ou deux fois par an à Berlin...
Même pas en rêve que je vais mettre le nez dehors.


Pile le weekend après que je sois rentrée, en plus. This happened the weekend after I got back.

Aux Etats-Unis j'ai tenu un nouveau carnet de voyage, que je mettrai progressivement en ligne à partir de la semaine prochaine. Et vous allez être contents -- y a au moins une vingtaine de pages plus de trente-cinq pages en tout! Si tout va comme je veux, y aura peut-être une petite surprise à la fin.
I brought back at least twenty over thirty-five pages of travel journal entries from my trip to California, and will be putting them online starting next week. So. Many. Pages! Woohoo. With perhaps a little surprise at the end if I get my way (and to be fair that's not always the case).