December 13, 2011



[ Bonus sonore ]  

A few months ago I started reading a couple blogs that are written by Christians and deal with matters of sex and relationships, which is both inspirational at times and at others kind of like that "visiting China" metaphor one character used at the end of the "His Dark Materials" trilogy. One post in particular caught my eye a couple months ago and encouraged me to bring this comic out, although per tradition, of course, there's still a buffer of time between when I write and when I post things like this.

To be honest, I don't have time to translate it in French, so break out your dictionaries.

Il y a quelques mois j'ai commencé à lire un ou deux blogs tenus par des chrétiens au sujet des relations et de la sexualité. C'est à la fois une source d'inspiration et un peu réminiscent de la scène dans "A la croisée des mondes" où ils parlent de visiter la Chine. Un post en particulier (in English sorry) m'a donné envie de publier cette note, même si conformément à ma tradition personnelle, un peu d'eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis sa rédaction.

Pour être franche j'ai eu l'envie, mais pas le temps de la traduire en français, donc sortez vos dicos! Ou G*** Translate.

December 6, 2011

Cardialement: Winter weather


Peut-être qu'il va neiger... Qui sait?

Snow is on its way... Possibly.

December 3, 2011


à l'aise au fil des blagues mesquines
gonflée par les histamines
que je fasse le deuil de toi
de tout ce qu'il me reste

à la rescousse, des faux-semblants
le coeur avide de prétendant
que je fasse le deuil de mon toi
de tout ce qu'il me reste

    quand il le faut, c'est tout ç'que j'ai
    des mots de viande périmée
    des sons de cloche en double croche
    et retentissements du passé

    quand il te faut, c'est tout ç'que j'ai:
    l'écho terne d'un coeur enlevé,
    la peur au ventre, et dans tes yeux,
    le non d'un fossé amoureux

Nantes-Berlin, automne 2009-décembre 2011.

November 29, 2011

Cardialement: Rummelplatz

"One-year-old" birthday party at the Rummelplatz. // "Tofu... Toilet..." "Ta-ta."

Ca avait l'air mimi, du "butterflycore" -- quand soudain le groupe est monté sur scène...
"Butterflycore" sounded all nice and pretty until the band started playing.

November 22, 2011

Cardialement: Musik press

Un des petits plaisirs de ma vie en Allemagne: écouter Flux FM en lisant 
les derniers INTRO et Unclesally's. // "Leslie Feist ne sait pas mentir."


Though one of my favorite aspects of living in Berlin is being in the German capital, my attraction to Berlin and German culture actually developed as two parallel interests. I wanted to see what Berlin was like the day my parents started playing a 1991 cassette tape  of Achtung Baby in the car; my Franco-German Master's degree became sort of a means to that end. But I discovered German separately, taking a class as early as fourth grade as an alternative to English.

For the most part, especially in Junior High, I truly hated it. Too many cases and illogical attributions of gender, the words in a sentence arranged by a rigid set of ridiculous rules, not to mention that in class I was often asked to speak up and there would be no way in Hades that that was going to happen. Then came the yearly school exchange in tenth grade, and I to chose to go to Bayreuth -- fabled land of Wagner fests, some drug trafficking and lots and lots of Maisel's Weisse. I remember sitting on a local square on the Wednesday, halfway into the trip, and not wanting to leave. I also remember doing the same trip the year afterwards  and being utterly miserable and homesick for two weeks solid -- when I got home. It sort of sealed the deal, and I knew that German would always have a place in my life from then on out. It was no longer this psychorigid foreign language but the vehicle all these awesome people and places used to communicate. And it just so happens to be the language I see, speak and hear on a regular basis today (when I'm not hitting the pavement with my expat clans). That is something that I am grateful for and it even comes out in my other languages sometimes when I talk. (I have no idea of that.)

One of the staples of my postadolescent treks to Berlin in 2006 and 2007 was the free music mag Unclesally's, which sadly is going out of print at year's end. I will miss it, especially sitting down with it to my morning serving of Toastbrot, Vollmilch and raw Schinken, hearing bands like Fotos coming out of the kitchen CD player, or even just walking around Kreuzberg or Prenzlauer Berg and seeing that a new one came out, and that it has this strange unknown band on the cover, and I STILL have to take out that "Sallyscout" booklet and pull out the gummy adhesive -- so annoying.

In a strange turn of events the demise of the printed version is a direct answer to the question I posed during my Master's thesis (as to the future of cultural journalism), and I think Unclesally's did a better job of answering it then I did. Danke, people, for everything you've done. All I have left now is INTRO and my Siegessäule issues.

(Désolée les gens, je n'ai pas le temps de traduire...)

November 15, 2011

Cardialement: Ring fingers

Culte du dimanche juste avant une énorme conférence sur la création d'églises.
Complètement en train de regarder les annulaires de tout le monde.

[ Bonus sonore ]

November 11, 2011

Cardialement: Queer greens

Evidemment, j'ai dessiné ça avant les élections à Berlin.
I drew this before the Berlin elections, obviously.

November 8, 2011

Cardialement: Mug sizes

"How was it?"
"Good! I just think that the mugs you use are too big.
I got the impression I was given less than what I paid for."

"Oh... I wasn't complaining... I really wasn't."


Ils utilisent des tasses plus grandes parce que les plus petites sont chipées par les touristes.
J'ai encré ça à la plume, que j'aime beaucoup, mais besoin d'entraînement.

They use the bigger ones because the smallest-sized mugs get stolen.
This was inked with a quill, which is fun, but I need more practice.

November 1, 2011

Le changement de saison a des effets bizarres sur mon cerveau. A commencer par le fait qu'en général je tombe malade... ce qui me rend complètement défoncée. / Tumblr, toute la journée / "...Charles et Eriiik, qu'est-ce qu'y sont mignoooooooons" // Et une fois que la sensation de défonce est partie... / "Nyuuuuurgh la vie c'est de la m... et tout dedans" "Fait tout noir dehors"

October 28, 2011

Deskmate differences

La coupe bicolore appartient à Apolide, acolyte berlinois et nomade. On partage un bureau, mais pas toujours nos manières de percevoir les choses, ce qui m'avait amenée à produire ce dessin.
The two-toned haircut depicted here belongs to Apolide, a fellow Berliner and chronic nomad. We share a desk, if not our ways of perceiving the world, which is why I drew this picture.