May 5, 2011

1. Mai - Part 1

Les toilettes chimiques au "1er mai" sur la Mariannenplatz... Surtout, ne pas regarder en bas.
The chemical Portapotties at the May 1st festivities on Mariannenplatz...
Whatever you do, don't look down.

May 4, 2011


I can't imagine how dead you are
sends shivers down my spine
I sat across the bridge from where
they fished you out
last week.

Berlin, 26.4.2011

April 29, 2011

I went to Hamburg for two days over Easter and I dug it something fierce.
J'ai passé deux jours à Hambourg le weekend dernier et j'y ai kiffé sa race.

April 25, 2011


J'interromps cette série de dessins venant d'une autre ère pour poster ces dessins récents: ce sont deux tentatives d'exprimer ce que je ressens toujours le soir du vendredi saint.

This weekend was Easter, so I drew these two pictures: they represent the feeling I always have on Good Friday. I don't have fond memories of this holiday, and I explained it a little in this here blog post.

April 17, 2011

Wer nimmt den Müll raus?

In the flatshare kitchen...
- So, whose turn is it to take out the trash?
- I say Benne!
- Me too.
- Me too.
- Well, let's put it to a vote then. Who's for it?
- ...
- Benne, you lost the vote.
- I'm unanimously against it.


En janvier c'était l'anniversaire de ma coloc, donc je lui ai fait ce strip après qu'elle a demandé une scène de notre vie en colocation.
My housemate's birthday was this January, so I drew her this strip after she requested a depiction of our flatshare life. We have a very small kitchen.