February 5, 2019

Hourly Comics Day 2019


Another year, another Hourly Comics Day! You'll find my hourlies from previous years here, and I encourage you to check out #hourlycomicsday on Twitter and Instagram. It is one of my favorite things on the internet.

February 1, 2019

What Was 2018 Like?

2018 was A Lot! Here's to 2019 also being A Lot, with possibly less weeping at concerts (although that's usually a sign of a good concert for me, so).

Per my tradition, I've posted a list of my favorite entertainment from 2018, over on my Patreon (it's a public post!)

And in lieu of my traditional blog post accompaniment song, it is nigh impossible for me to list all of the music I enjoyed in 2018, but here are 3 tracks from 2018 that I identified with:
Death Cab for Cutie, "Gold Rush"
Mike Shinoda, "Running From My Shadow"
Alex G, "Rhyme Reason"

If you like this comic, you can help me make more through Patreon!

November 5, 2018


I've had this comic rolling around in my head since late 2016, and the premise seems to confirm itself every year. The concert mentioned here was Placebo's 20th anniversary tour stop in Hamburg - but as things would have it, I got to visit Texas last week and see Mike Shinoda live, which were two of the best decisions I've made in 2018.

Some housekeeping: I've updated my Patreon to replace the longstanding postcard reward with the digital sketchbook reward - a monthly PDF of everything I've drawn, now at the $15/month tier instead of $20, including journal comics that are also available on their own at the $2/month tier. If you would like to support my work, consider making a pledge this month!

Also, tomorrow is election day in the US! If you are a US voter, please make a plan to vote, and go vote. You can do this! We can do this.

[ Thrice - Hold Up A Light ]

September 10, 2018

Monday Sketchpost: CSSconf EU / JSConf EU 2018 Sketchnotes

As I mentioned in my previous post, last June I had the opportunity to attend CSSConf EU and JSConf EU in Berlin! Here are all the sketchnotes I drew during three days of talks. These conferences were incredible and I recommend them very highly!

July 10, 2018



Earlier this year I was asked to contribute a story to a zine about bodies, and this is what I came up with! The zine is not currently for sale, but I will keep you posted.

Meanwhile in Berlin, ComicInvasionBerlin 2018 is already over*, it's Fußball season, and I'm working on stuff and gearing up for the fall while also drinking Ricard and yelling at widescreen televisions. * Thanks to everyone who came by my table! :D

[ Ria Mae - I'm On Fire ]

If you like what I do, you can support me on Patreon!

June 11, 2018


This is an old doodle that was hanging around in my sketchbook! Enjoy.

Things are busy this month at Clairikine HQ! ComicInvasionBerlin begins this weekend with a series of Satellite events - including the launch of BETON's Science Fiction issue this Friday at Raum B! I contributed my short story "Départ imminent" to this one and am very much looking forward to seeing it in print and hanging out with you all.

The Satellite events are followed by the main event on June 23 & 24 at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin - if you fancy lending a hand there, you can send an email to cibhelpers at gmail dot com to volunteer! I will be tabling both days at the MKB - you'll find me in the Lichthof. Come say hello and check out my new zine (TBA)!

And if you're in town the following week, be sure to stop by Panel Up on the 27th so we can all come down from the con together. Whew!

TT - I've Been Fine ]

You can help me make more comics on Patreon!

May 25, 2018

Friday Sketchpost: salt + sass #8 with tINI

As always, I was very happy to attend another edition of salt+sass - this time featuring tINI! You can see the other sketches I've made at this event series - which I cannot recommend highly enough - here.

If you like my work, you can support it on Patreon!

April 11, 2018

Low Battery

Usually I let my lack of updates speak for themselves, but this time I'm checking in to say that the past couple of months have been pretty full, hence the lack of posts. I have a couple projects in the pipeline that will emerge beginning when summer rolls around, though, so don't worry!

If you're in Berlin, I'll see you at ComicInvasionBerlin on June 23 & 24 (and if you want to volunteer this year, signups are open!) - and I'll also see everyone at Thought Bubble in Leeds on September 22-23. I will have a new zine that will be available at both cons!

Stay tuned, and in the meantime, give yourself some downtime if you need it, because you deserve it.

February 20, 2018

Hourly Comics Day 2018 (+1)

Continuing my semi-regular tradition of having too much going on on the actual Hourly Comics Day,  I drew these a day later during my day off from work. So this is what I do on my days off!

You can also read my hourlies from 2017 (same-day!) and 2016 (a week later!).

January 30, 2018

What was 2017 like?

Also, in keeping with tradition, here are three songs I took away from 2017:

1. One More Light - Linkin Park

If you liked this comic, you can help me make more by supporting me on Patreon!

October 6, 2017

Départ imminent

 Access authorised... Doors closing... Module departure imminent...

You're happy to start university, though, aren't you?
Your mom wanted to come along, you know, to see your apartment and everything... But she needs to rest, you saw that.

This comic will be in the next issue of BETON! More on that soon. Have a great weekend.

September 12, 2017

Summer's Greatest Hits

I am back from the US! And Berlin has already shifted to autumn. The fall is gearing up to be super busy, which is a good thing. You can keep up to speed on Patreon, where I have been posting monthly behind the scenes updates on where I'm at project-wise.

June 28, 2017

Sporadic Travel Comic - Sthlm Edition Pt. 3

That bridge is still one of my favorite bridges, and I wasn't able to make time to cross it the last time I visited. So, yay!

This marks the last of my sporadic travel comics from Stockholm this year. Hope you liked them!

Like my work? You can support it on Patreon!

June 20, 2017

Sporadic Travel Comic - Sthlm Edition Pt. 2

Last month I discovered that many restaurants in Stockholm ... don't take cash. (Which is the exact opposite of the Berlin dining experience).

Some news!

There is a new Electronic Beats comic up over yonder - on the topic of finding the perfect festival location in 2017!

I also moved my store to Tictail, where everything is currently 20% off for the rest of June! This includes zines (such as Master of Survival Vols. 1-3), but also original comic art AND A5 portrait commissions!
If you like my work but would like to support it via other means, I have a Patreon and have also now opened a Ko-Fi account!

Last but not least, I am teaching a comics workshop at Wedding's Jugendkunstschule from July 10 to July 14 - ages 13 and up! Signups close on June 26.

June 13, 2017

Sporadic Travel Comic - Sthlm Edition Pt. 1

I drew a handful of comics while in Stockholm last month! Here is the first one.

Like my work? You can support it on Patreon!

June 9, 2017

Friday Sketchpost: salt+sass #7

I was very happy to attend a new edition of salt + sass at Soundcloud this week! You can also see my previous sketches salt + sass sketches here.

Like my work? You can support it on Patreon!

May 26, 2017


I drew this while in Sweden last week. Chris Cornell's music was an important part of my teenage years, as Audioslave's self-titled debut came out when I was in high school (I was a little young when Soundgarden were first active). I will miss his voice.

May 2, 2017


I contributed this comic to BETON's 10th issue on the theme of Work! You can pick up the new issue at BETON's stand at Comic Invasion Berlin, Berlin's local comics festival, which is taking place this weekend at Urban Spree.

And speaking of Comic Invasion Berlin, as every year, I will be there!! Once again I shall be located next to my too-talented-for-words table buddy Ash Pure, and I am working on having at least one brand-new collection of Clairikine comics, a thing which I have not put out since 2015!
Come say hello!!

And if you see me standing in line to vote at the French embassy in Berlin on Sunday morning, say hello too. (Please go vote on Sunday.)

March 27, 2017

Status Update

I'm off to France this week, as a matter of fact! Haven't been back in a year and a half. I have missed it!!

March 7, 2017

Which is it?

Fortunately, where SAD is concerned, Daylight Saving Time is just around the corner! And then those oppressively early nights will be a thing of the past. Can't do much about the rest, though.


Some news! In the time since I last posted here, I've illustrated a new comic for Electronic Beats. I was also interviewed for the season premiere of the Comic Invasion Berlin podcast and talked (in German) about this year's festival, which takes place April 24 to May 7, 2017*. If you are in town and you want to help out, the festival is currently looking for volunteers!

And finally, tabling at Comics & The Beast two weeks ago was a blast. Definitely one of my favorite comic events. Thanks to everyone who came out and bought stuff!

*Right between the first and second rounds of the French presidential elections, as it turns out. If you can vote in them, please do.

February 10, 2017

Friday Sketchpost: January Sketchnoting

In January I attended a flurry of events and endeavoured to sketch as much as I could of each one - including a reception held by the Franco-German Youth Office, a French primary runoff debate (livestreamed) and the 6th edition of salt + sass at Soundcloud. Enjoy! (I apologize in advance for the lack of translation.)

Psst... Want a monthly collection of my sketches delivered directly to your inbox? Pledges of $25 or more per month on Patreon unlock access to my digital sketchbooks!

February 7, 2017

Hourly Comic Day 2017

(Yep, I was there!)

And thus concludes another Hourly Comic Day. To see the Hourlies I made (a week late) in 2016, click here!

Also, first two comics events of the year for me this month: the new BETON issue is launching at Berlin's Raum B on February 17th. I am not in this issue, but I will be at the launch!
I also will be tabling at Comics and The Beast, Neukölln's premiere indie-comics-in-a-bar event, on February 25 & 26th! Come say hello if you are in town.

January 20, 2017

Friday Sketchpost: Pen doodles

Some doodles collected in my sketchbooks over the past year, made using a PITT F or S artist pen or a pink Kuretake pen. 

January 18, 2017


I'm back!! And finally recovered from a two-week-long cold I caught in the US. Despite this, my month-long visit was amazing and I have brought back many cherished memories. Choosing to make stops in Chicago and D.C. on my way in and out of California was the best travel decision I made last year.

Things are hectic at the moment, but I have a comic recapping what I did in 2016 in the works and I totally ran out of time to make this a reality, sorry! In the meantime, If you would like to help me begin the new year and support the making of future comics, you can pledge to my Patreon. $2 or more per month unlock access to journal comics and to an exclusive newsletter!

I have also opened commissions for the foreseeable future - if you would like me to draw something for you, drop me a line at clairykin at gmail!

December 12, 2016


WINTER! Eh? Eh?? Fortunately, 'tis the season and I'm off to California this month to flee Berlin's relentless lack of daylight. Could be worse.

November 29, 2016


Told you it would be the longest campaign season ever. (The deadline is December 31, in case you were French and/or wondering. Also applies if you don't live in France.)

I still have 5 x $20 slots open for A5 portrait sketches! They close December 1. Reserve your own at clairykin at gmail! They make good stocking stuffers.

November 15, 2016


I wrote this comic in the week following the attacks in Brussels on March 22 of this year, and planned to post it this week in remembrance of last year's November 13 shootings in Paris. Those weren't the only times it has been relevant for me, and I know they won't be the last.

In other news, Christmas is around the corner, so I am doing limited portrait commissions for $25. Drop me a line at clairykin at gmail if you would like one - orders close December 1.

I have also added For The Ones That We Love, my new zine collecting the English-language versions of fictional comics I've put out over the past two years, to my store. It includes this comic and other comics originally published in French and German in the BETON anthology zine. The Glücklich in Berlin sticker has also returned, and both are currently on sale.

October 18, 2016


It's strikingly cold and gray in Berlin now and gets dark much earlier than it did a month ago - and after all this time I still manage to find this change of season comforting in its familiarity. Until the SAD kicks in and I need to switch the daylight lamp on, obviously.

November is nigh, and that means conventions! Specifically, I will be tabling at Zinefest Berlin on Saturday, October 29 (only one day for me this year), followed by Thought Bubble in Leeds on November 5 & 6, in New Dock Hall, Table 112b. Please do drop by if you're in town!

September 14, 2016

It Begins

That sweet inexorable return to the long nights of winter.

August 23, 2016


Been awhile since I unpacked Them Feels, eh?

The time for buying plane tickets to Thought Bubble is nigh, so I am currently doing small commissions for $25! Details here.

[ Tegan and Sara - BWU ]

August 12, 2016

Friday Sketchpost: Characters

A recent sketch of some characters, some of which you may recognize from this comic. Happy Friday!

August 9, 2016

That Time of Year Again

To be fair, I'm a dual French-American citizen living in Germany, so until late October 2017 it's pretty much campaign season for me aaalllll the time.

I'm back from Stockholm! It was a great and refreshing ten days, and I am very grateful to everyone who was a part of the trip and made it possible. Vi ses.